Within the last couple of years, “Sustainable global seafood production” has emerged as the world’s “poster child” for advancing the environmental stewardship of our precious blue planet.
During this October National Seafood Month, how can you contribute to this critical campaign?
The answer:
Simply commit to eat at least two responsibly sourced seafood meals/week for the month of October (and beyond).
Sea Port’s Go Blue! Initiative has always championed the consumption of seafood to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship because we strongly believe that both responsible wild fisheries and aquaculture production processes are the most environmentally friendly of all the global animal protein production systems. We also strongly believe in the unique nutritional benefits that seafood offers to all age groups.
There is no easier action you can take to contribute to making our world more sustainable now and for future generations than to simply increase your seafood consumption. In doing so, you will also be treating yourself to some of the healthiest and most delicious food on Earth!
Let’s all commit during this October National Seafood Month to increase our seafood consumption. We will celebrate together as we become a part of the solution to advance the environmental stewardship of our wondrous blue planet while also improving our personal health.
David Glaubke – Director of Sustainability Initiatives
Please submit any comments you may have by visiting our Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability Blog
or by emailing me directly: dglaubke@cport.net

Blogs We Follow
- Follow Jennifer, a registered dietician, as she shows us just how easy it is to make seafood a part of our diet at least three times per week. Recipes included! http://www.aboutseafood.com/health-nutrition/blog-about-seafood
- Get your seafood facts straight, and hear the straight talk on seafood in the media room from Gavin Gibbons. http://www.aboutseafood.com/press/media-blog
- Stay current on the industries push to stop seafood fraud.http://www.aboutseafood.com/about/about-nfi/bsb/blog